Sichuan Earthquake Relief

Benefit Concert






Overwhelmed by the news of the devastating earthquake that struck China's Sichuan Province, musicians here in the Bay Area will give a benefit concert presented by Peninsula Grace Notes on this Sunday, June 1st in Burlingame.

Members of Berkeley Symphony, Silicon Valley Symphony, Marin Symphony and San Francisco Symphony Will join together to perform Mozart's Divertimento and Adagio for Strings by Barber conducted by Florin Parvulescu.

June 1st is Children's Day, a favorite holiday for children across China.
In the first half of the concert, local young musicians age 6 to 17 will perform as a tribute to the thousands of children who lost their lives, their parents and their homes in Sichuan.  Shanshan, a 17-year old violinist from Sichuan, will perform Spring of Xijang.

The second half begin with violinist Wei He, San Francisco Conservatory of Music faculty, whose parents in Sichuan survived the quake.  He will join by the newly appointed assistant principal cellist of San Francisco Symphony Amos Yang, pianist Dorian Ho and violist Jay Liu in the 3d movement of Piano Quartet by Schumann.

The concert is free admission for all ages.  100% of all donations will directly benefit the earthquake survivors, and are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

為了悼念四川地震遇難的六萬多中國同胞,灣區美音 (Peninsula Grace Notes)將在六月一日星期天下午三時,在柏林甘聖保羅聖公會教會(St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 415 El Camino Real, Burlingame) 主辦賑災捐款音樂會。

由舊金山音樂學院小提琴教授何為,舊金山交響樂團首席中提琴劉韻傑和灣區著名的鋼琴家何文惠攜手合作發起的這場賑災音樂會,在極短的時間內就得到了灣區音樂藝術家們廣泛熱忱地響應。為了表達對中國災區人民的愛心與支持,他們都自願地加入了這次音樂會的演奏行列。其中有來之於舊金山交響樂團,奧克蘭交響樂團,伯克萊交響樂團和馬連縣交響樂團專業的音樂家們;有來自於舊金山音樂學院和聖多美尼哥音樂學院的教授; 也有來自舊金山音樂學院,皮包迪音樂學院,茱麗亞音樂學院,科提司音樂學院和米大學的學生們。他們會為灣區音樂愛好者和聽眾們帶來莫札特和巴泊(Barber) 優美的管弦樂曲。

音樂會免費入場, 期間聽眾們可以按自己心靈的感動與意願,自由捐款奉獻,表達我們身在美國,心繫中國災區的一份心意。



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